The General Integrity Profile (GIP) was developed out of the registered Integrity Profile 200 (IP200) to present a concise assessment of basic, but general, Integrity of the entire population and to serve multiple purposes – and not only in the World of Work where the population of development and use are working people regarding norms, standards and the entire psychometric process of validation, reliability and general fairness of the instrument. The essential purpose of the GIP is to effectively differentiate between people in the general population regarding the degree of span Integrity they possess and demonstrate in life. The main purpose is not to obtain an absolute measurement and categorization of an individual regarding their Integrity, but rather their tendency and orientation along the continuum of Integrity in general terms – i.e., a trend more than an absolute measurement.

The test is simple and short. It contains 52 items, consist of three main sections and can be completed in 15 – 20 minutes. The first section represents a traditional covert psychometric division that reflects six factors, namely Honesty, Responsibility, Dependability, Leniency to Tolerating deviant behaviour, Fairness and Conscience. The second section is of a more overt nature and covers five verifiable factors, namely Education, Stability, Defaulting, Disciplinary Action and History of Misconduct. The third section is the monitor division and consists of three factors, namely, Lie-Factor, Consistency and Unnatural Exaggeration.

The GIP renders 20 scales that provide the user with sufficient information to allow for valid and reliable analysis, diagnoses, projections, development and/or other decisions in the general basic Integrity sphere – i.e., not necessarily in the World of Work.

Measuring Areas – Scales: Eight Substructures of Integrity

  1. Honesty
  2. Reliability & Conscientiousness
  3. Dependability/Reliability
  4. Leniency
  5. Fairness
  6. Active Conscience
  7. Verifiable Factors
  8. Monitor, Lie Detector, Consistency & Exaggeration

Purpose: Generalized Integrity  Measure for the overall population.

  1. Plus the three measuring areas each of the two Substructures (Honesty & Lenience) consists of and the two Summarized Scales, i.e., Integrated Integrity Rating & Adapted Integrity Rating
  2. Critical Integrity Factors
  3. Short, Simple and Easy
  4. Evaluating people's credibility' for home loans, overdrafts, extended credit facilities, etc
  5. General Public & Purpose


Reliability: Ranging from 0.81 to 0.91 (Significant)

Validity: Ranging from 0.33 to 0.57 (Significant)

Fairness: No significant difference were found via the ‘Norming Process’ regarding four critical factors, i.e., age, gender, ethnicity and language at the 0.01 level.

Readability & Ease of Comprehension: “A maximum of sixth grade on the Fry Readability Graphs was adhered to during the development of the GIP and ‘low-level’ and simple English was used in composing the test-items”.

The seven ‘Readability Action' were/are applied on the GIP.


The GIP can be used at a grade 6 – 8 schooling level.

Lie-Detector score of 6-sten (and below) should be considered to represent a knock-out score.

The GIP can be administered and used/interpreted by a competent person in the line of conducting his/her official duty/function.

It is advisable to adhere to a ‘5’-sten (and above) on the Adapted Integrity Rating scale for decision-making purposes (e.g. extending credit facilities to the assessee).


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