The BAP forms part of a battery of two tests in the Aptitude field, namely the Basic and General Aptitude Profiles. Both these tests have a particular role to play in this sphere. As the name implies, the BAP is more involved in the ‘groundwork’, so to speak, in that it is a much more basic instrument, determining the fundamental leaning the testee has in terms of the more primary and intrinsic abilities and attributes they possess on which careers are built. It relies more on the essential human faculties of Cognitive and Personality rather than abilities, proficiencies, competencies, skills, knowledge and interests the person acquires as a result of specific exposures and experiences at a later stage of their life. The BAP is thus an instrument that assesses and guides the testee more in terms of the basic ‘broad stream of careers’ that their basic human capacity profile will ‘allow’ them to successfully enter into.
The basic human capacity is represented by the individual’s cognitive ability and specific profile as well as their personality orientation and specific structure/profile. The concept of Integrity is also added to the assessment process considering the fact that it also forms part of the personality, that it is established at an early stage of the person’s life-cycle and that it is a wide and influential factor that plays an important and significant role in the testee’s career-life. It may thus not really matter if a person has the ability and basic human capacity to make a success of the particular (broad) career-stream, if they do not also possess the necessary (minimum) Integrity orientation in practical terms.
In summary, the BAP is focusing on assessing and guiding the testee in terms of his aptitudinal orientation based on their more genetically determined human faculties (i.e., the Gifted-Profile) in his career choice in broad terms, rather than relying also on the acquired competency and interest profiles that may result from the person’s exposure and experience in later life and the more specific career choices that may flow from this – that is more the role of the extended (but, nevertheless fully integrated) application phase related to the BAP, called the Less Structured Career Interpretation.
The BAP consists of two Divisions, i.e., A & B. In Division A the testee’s Cognitive Ability is assessed via seven Cognitive Constructs and must be completed in 30 minutes. In Division B Personality is assessed via eight factors, Integrity is measured via three factors & Monitor is again measured by three factors.
Division B consists of 52 test-items and can be completed in 15 minutes. In general, the BAP guides the candidate to make their career choice in general terms – identifying the broad career stream to fit their competency, attribute and interest profile(s). The BAP could thus be completed in 40 – 45 minutes in total.